Archived Meeting Minutes

Meeting Minutes 1-14-2019




Monday January 14, 2019


The Board of Trustees of the Holiday Shores Sanitary District met on the above date in regular session pursuant to laws and rules of said Board of Trustees and in accordance with the terms of the notice of regular meeting.

Jeff Sedlacek, President called the meeting to order.  Trustees, Richard Hayes and Brennan Murphy were present.  Also present were Carla Lankster, District Clerk and Ken Dulle of Restoration Resources.



The minutes of December 10, 2018 regular meeting were submitted for approval.  Mr. Hayes made a motion to approve the minutes for the December 10, 2018 regular meeting.  Mr. Murphy seconded the motion, and all Trustees voted “Aye”.


The Summary of Accounts was reviewed for the month of December, 2018.  No motion necessary.


After reviewing the Accounts Payable disbursements for the month of December, 2018, Mr. Hayes made a motion to approve the December 2018 disbursements.  Mr. Murphy seconded the motion and all Trustees voted “Aye”.

The Aptean – USTI e-printing bills were supposed to be approved.  However, the invoices for the October, November and December 2018 bill printing have not yet been received.  We received an email from USTI stating that due to the transition from Aptean to Central Square, we may never see a bill for the October 2018 e-printing.

Restoration Resources submitted Invoice 642, dated January 8, 2019, for water and wastewater operations management for December 2018.  Mr. Murphy made a motion to approve Restoration Resources Invoice 642, dated 1/8/2019. Mr. Hayes seconded the motion and all Trustees voted “Aye”.


The water and sewer applications for December, 2018 were reviewed, and included 5 customer transfers in Holiday Shores.  Mr. Hayes made a motion to approve the December, 2018 applications.  Mr. Murphy seconded the motion and all the Trustees voted “Aye”.


Ms. Lankster presented copies of the Annual Financial Report that is filled out in December for the State of Illinois.  No Motion Necessary.

The Post Office charges an annual fee for our permit number.  Since we do not send out bills anymore from our office, we don’t have the savings we used to for the mailings.  Mr. Hayes said to go ahead and pay it one more year, in case we would need to use the permit.  The fee is $225.00 this year.

Ms. Lankster requested Mr. Sedlacek to sign the invoice for the IEPA loan payment on the Water Tower.  The amount billed twice a year is $32,492.27.  No motion necessary.


The Budget includes funding for improvements to the office, including painting and flooring.  Mr. Hayes feels that our office needs updates because customers and vendors come into the office and see the old faded carpet and walls.  This has not been done since the building was built in 1990.  He mentioned a flooring that was installed at church that is waterproof laminate.  Mr. Sedlacek said it is probably vinyl and is a little thicker and snaps together.  There was a discussion regarding the painting, and Mr. Murphy mentioned that Shari Grider does an exceptional job painting, and gets it done quickly.  She could give us a bid.  Mr. Hayes mentioned Express Kitchens and More.  Mr. Sedlacek mentioned Richie Beegle and Mr. Dulle mentioned Vallow Flooring for possible bids on the flooring.

Ms. Lankster talked to Williams Office Supplies regarding the copy machine in the office.  The lease will be maturing with RICOH/Wells Fargo in September, and Williams is wanting to put in a bid to lease or sell to the District.  Mr. Hayes said that a lease is the way to go, because they usually will give an option to upgrade or replace a machine.  We should have a bid by the February meeting.


Mr. Dulle presented information from Kienstra Precast regarding the tanks for the grinder pumps.  The tanks we are using are 30” in diameter and the tanks for Kienstra would be 36”.  The walls are currently 2”-3” thick and the tank walls from Kienstra would be 4” thick.  They have an overlapping lip that will seal better.  They will charge $165.00 per foot, which will increase the cost for tanks.  A 7’ unit will increase by approximately $600.00, and will have to be passed on to the owner and builder.  The taller tanks will increase by an even higher amount.  The tanks will be easier to set and will not shift or leak like the tanks previously used.  They are structurally better.  The Trustees agree to switch to Kienstra.



Mr. Hayes made a motion to adjourn the regular meeting.  Mr. Murphy seconded the motion, and all Trustees voted “Aye”.

Respectfully submitted, Carla Lankster, District Clerk