Archived Meeting Minutes

Meeting Minutes 6-11-2018




Monday June 11, 2018


The Board of Trustees of the Holiday Shores Sanitary District met on the above date in regular session pursuant to laws and rules of said Board of Trustees and in accordance with the terms of the notice of regular meeting.

Dennis Van Sandt, President called the meeting to order. Trustees, Richard Hayes was present, and Jeff Sedlacek attended via phone.  Also present were Carla Lankster, District Clerk and Ken Dulle of Restoration Resources.



The minutes of May 14, 2018 regular meeting were submitted for approval. Mr. Hayes made a motion to approve the minutes for the May 14, 2018 regular meeting.  Mr. Sedlacek seconded the motion, and all Trustees voted “Aye”.


The Summary of Accounts was reviewed for the month of May, 2018. Mr. Sedlacek made a motion to approve the Summary of Accounts for the month of May, 2018.  Mr. Hayes seconded the motion and all Trustees voted “Aye”.


After reviewing the Accounts Payable disbursements for the month of May, 2018, Mr. Hayes made a motion to approve the May 2018 disbursements. Mr. Sedlacek seconded the motion and all Trustees voted “Aye”.

The Aptean – USTI invoice for the new billing procedure was presented for signature. It is only for approximately $580.00 per month, which is lower than the original quote.  No motion is necessary, but must be signed by a Trustee, since it is over $500.00, and Mr. Van Sandt signed the invoice.

Restoration Resources submitted Invoice #634, dated June 6, 2018, for managing and operating water and wastewater treatment in May 2018. Mr. Hayes made a motion to approve Restoration Resources Invoice #634, dated June 6, 2018. Mr. Sedlacek seconded the motion and all Trustees voted “Aye.”


The water and sewer applications for May, 2018 were reviewed, and included 4 customer transfers in Holiday Shores and 1 New Construction in Holiday Shores. Mr. Sedlacek made a motion to approve the May, 2018 applications.  Mr. Hayes seconded the motion and all the Trustees voted “Aye”.


Ms. Lankster presented the Statement of Revenues and Expenses through May 31. 2018, which shows where the District Revenues and Expenses are for the 2018 Budget. This is used to determine the Budget Adjustments that are needed to cover expenses that were slightly higher in some categories, and move amounts from categories that were not as high as expected.  The Adjustments are done within the individual Funds.


There was a discussion regarding the policies and procedures for Sewer Backups. Mr. Hayes and Mr. Van Sandt stressed the need to let customers know they should have Sewer Backup Insurance.  Mr. Van Sandt checked his insurance and it was not very high to insure it annually.  So we are considering suggested sewer insurance for all customers, then in some cases HSSD would pay the deductible if it was partially our issues that cause the backup.  It would have to be included in a new ordinance and approved by our attorney, Bob Perica.  This will be discussed further at future meetings.


The Fiscal Year 2018-2019 Budget was presented for approval. Mr. Van Sandt asked about the number of Customers at 1172.  There are 1172 residential customers and 10 Commercial customers.  There are also 102 sewer only customers.  So depending on which revenue for service is being calculated, there are different numbers of customers used.  Some changes were made since the May 14 meeting, including adding $75,000.00 to the Water Treatment Plant Current Year Capital expenses for the Chlorine feed system and the replacement of Membranes on the Memcor units.  A major price break is given if all of the Membranes are ordered at one time.  Since this Capital expense was added, the Water Fund Expenses are higher than Revenues, but the overall budget has revenues higher than expenses.  This has been done in past budgets, due to capitalized expenses that will be depreciated over multiple years.  This Budget is to be approved for the Budget Ordinance to be written up and presented at the July 9, 2018 meeting for approval.  Mr. Van Sandt made a motion to approve the 2018-2019 Budget to be written into the Budget Ordinance.  Mr. Hayes seconded the motion and all Trustees voted “Aye”.

The Budget Adjustments to the 2017-2018 Fiscal Year Budget were presented for approval. The Budget adjustments are within each fund to move funds from an account that was under budget for the year to an account that had unexpected expenses for the year.  Mr. Hayes made a motion to approve the 2017-2018 Budget Adjustments.  Mr. Van Sandt seconded the motion and all Trustees votes “Aye”.


 Mr. Dulle discussed the cost of replacement of the Memcor Membranes during the Budget discussion. Check valves have been replaced at the main lift stations behind the office building and both pumps are up and running again.


Mr. Hayes made a motion to adjourn the regular meeting to enter into a Closed Executive Session pursuant to Statute 5ILCS 120/2 (C)(1), to discuss Employee Compensation. Mr. Van Sandt seconded the motion and all Trustees voted “Aye”.


Returning from Executive Session, Mr. Hayes made a motion to adjourn the regular meeting. Mr. Van Sandt seconded the motion, and all Trustees voted “Aye”.

Respectfully submitted, Carla Lankster, District Clerk