Freedom of Information Act Request

If you would like to obtain information from Holiday Shores Sanitary District, you should begin by writing down a list of the information you are seeking. Then prepare a letter to the Holiday Shores Sanitary District office.  The contact person for the Freedom of Information Act is Christine Sterett.

Your letter should include your name, your address, the date and a daytime phone number so that the office can contact you if they have any questions. Describe the information you are seeking with sufficient detail so that they can find the requested records.  Providing as much information as possible in your request on the subject matter may expedite the Holiday Shores Sanitary District’s search process.

Holiday Shores Sanitary District will charge $.15/copy after the first 50 copies requested.

HSSD Employees

Holiday Shores Sanitary District currently employs five (5) full-time employees and one (1) part-time employee.  There is one (1) contracted employee. There are three (3) Board of Trustee members, who are elected for a four (4) year term, or appointed to fulfill a resigning member’s remaining term.

Class A Operator

James C. White

Operating Budget for FY2024

Our current 2023/2024 operating budget is as follows:

Total Revenues                       $1,713,576

Total Expenses                        $1,635,093

Updated 7/19/2024 CAL