Archived Meeting Minutes

Meeting Minutes 6-10-2024



Monday, June 10, 2024

The Board of Trustees of the Holiday Shores Sanitary District met on the above date in regular session pursuant to laws and rules of said Board of Trustees and in accordance with the terms of the notice of regular meeting.

Richard Hayes, President and Trustee called the meeting to order.  Trustee Brennan Murphy was present.  Trustee, Jeff Hebenstreit was unable to attend.  Carla Lankster, District Clerk and Rob Clarkson, General Manager were also present.  Attorney, Erin Phillips was in attendance.  There were also six members of the Holiday Shores community present for a discussion in Open Forum.


There was one resident in attendance, Mr. Don Wiemers, who submitted a pool credit for the month of May.  Mr. Hayes made a motion to approve the pool sewer credit in the amount of $90.37.  Mr. Murphy seconded the motion and all Trustees voted “Aye”.

Mr. Wiemers also asked about the rate increase, and if joining up with Fosterburg Water had anything to do with it?  Did their increase have anything to do with the increase here.  Mr. Clarkson clarified that the connection with Fosterburg was for emergency purposes only.  Our increase is due to increases in our expenses.

Attorney, Erin Phillips stated that those in attendance can voice a question today, then the answer will be brought forward to the next meeting as unfinished business.  Immediate answers are not available at this meeting.

Jennifer Halverson, lot 1829 attended, and she had several questions:

  • The IEPA has no record of the Class A test being taken by two employees in December 2023.  Also, it is not showing one employee taking the test in February 2024.  Did they take the test?
  • The Class A test can be taken up to four times a year.  Are they taking the test that often?
  • What position is showing a job description including the Class A Certification?
  • Why  is the CCR report, the drinking quality report, not published in the Holiday Times this year?  There is only a URL published for the website.  There is a violation listed on the report.  Is that a violation that we should have been notified about?
  • The Cross Connection survey included the material line survey.  It does not list lead as an option, so will the material line survey be mailed again?

Julie Romano, lot 1065 attended, and she had several questions:

  • Studying for Class A testing is being done on work time.  Two employees have taken the test multiple times, and have not passed.  Should the District be paying for them to study on District time, when they have taken it multiple times?  Did they take the test in December 2023 and February 2024?
  • Why was the CCR report not published in full, in the Holiday Times, as in previous years?  Why is there only a URL for the website, and there was a violation listed?  It says public notice required, and says she did not receive notice.  It should be direct mail.
  • The material line survey was not submitted by the due date in April, and no extension was filed.  Are there fines?  Why was the question regarding the Material Line survey added to the Cross Connection survey, instead of a separate mailing?  One survey is mandatory, and the other is not.  Why did the material line survey not list all types of possible service lines?
  • According to Illinois 65ILCS 5/8/10.5, the HSSD website is required to have certain postings that are not included.  A related Public Notice 98-0738 was also noted, regarding the posting of financial information and the previous year’s audit report on the website.  Also, the IEPA noted that the Class A operator should be listed on the website.
  • What kind of penalties for violations could we be assessed?  Ms. Erin Phillips answered that we are not the IEPA, so we would not have that information.  We do not assess the penalties.  Is there exposure to penalties?

Karla Suttles, lot 1113 had a question about the new Pool credit form this year.  She wanted to know if it is only a one-time credit, and there would not be credit given for topping off?  Mr. Murphy answered that yes, it is only a one-time credit for the initial filling.  A second one can be submitted, for approval if something would happen, and the pool would have to be re-filled.  They are going to have to replace the liner, later in the summer, so she wanted to know if she should wait to submit a request for credit?

Patty Davenport, lot 1815, asked if the rate increase was due to the lagoon project?  Mr. Murphy stated that it was not.  It was from our increased costs in supplies and services and chemicals.  Ms. Davenport also asked why a job description was requested prior to this meeting, and was not provided?  Erin Phillips asked her if this was in a FOIA request or was it brought up at the previous meeting?  These are two different processes.  This was just now brought up at a meeting of the Board of Trustees to review, and will be addressed at the next meeting.


The minutes of May 13, 2024 regular meeting were submitted for approval, with Grant Opportunities, and the Manager’s Report for Operations attached.  Mr. Hayes made a motion to approve the minutes for the May 13, 2024 meeting.  Mr. Murphy seconded the motion and all Trustees voted “Aye”.

The minutes of the May 13, 2024 executive meeting were submitted for approval.  Mr. Hayes made a motion to approve the minutes for the May 13, 2024 executive meeting.   Mr. Murphy seconded the motion and all Trustees voted “Aye”.


The Summary of Accounts and Statement of Revenues and Expenses were reviewed for the month-end balances on May 31, 2024.  The Water Plant loan was paid on May 31, 2024, because it was due Sunday, June 2, 2024.  No Motion necessary.


The May 2024 Accounts Payable disbursements were reviewed for approval.  Mr. Hayes made a motion to approve the May 2024 disbursements.  Mr. Murphy seconded the motion and all Trustees voted “Aye”.

Mr. Hayes signed invoices over $500.00.  The quarterly loan payment to Carrollton Bank for the water plant, and an invoice from HMG Engineers included in the original contract, were signed.

APPROVAL OF APPLICATIONS                                                                                                                                              Water/Sewer applications for May 2024 were submitted for approval.  There were 14 property transfers and 1 new water and sewer connections.   Mr. Hayes made a motion to approve the May 2024 Applications.  Mr. Murphy seconded the motion and all Trustees voted “Aye”.



There is nothing new for grant opportunities, therefore it is tabled.

The Class A certification test is being taken by both Chris and Joe tomorrow, June 11, 2024.

Electronic Availability of Ordinances was tabled for this meeting.


Resolution No. 20240610 regarding an exception to the vacation policy. Mr. Hayes made a motion to approve Resolution No. 20240610.  Mr. Murphy seconded the motion and all Trustees voted “Aye”.

Ms. Phillips presented a draft of an ordinance to allow remote access for meetings, when a Trustee cannot be in attendance.  There are still limitations that will apply to when this can be allowed.  During the Covid emergency, it was allowed without the ordinance, but once the emergency was lifted, an ordinance is now required.  The ordinance will be written up for approval at the July Meeting.

Mr. Murphy made a suggestion to write up a letter to Holishor Association, asking them to notify the District prior to any digging.  Mr. Clarkson stated that is done in a JULIE request.  However, there was a discrepancy during the sewer by-pass project, due to the collapsed culvert.

The line-item adjustments for the FY 2023-2024 budget were presented for approval.  It was decided to table this until the July meeting, when all of the Trustees will be present.

There was a short discussion of the preliminary budget for fiscal year 2024-2025.  Ms. Lankster will be making some adjustments to the budget that was presented at the May 2024 meeting, after more calculations, and will present an updated budget at the July 2024 meeting.


Mr. Clarkson presented his Manager’s Report he prepared, for the month of May.  The report was discussed and is an attachment to the meeting minutes.

A quote from Schulte Supply was submitted for an AML Pro Series locator, with GPS subsurface, for locating unmarked water and sewer lines.  This item was tabled until the July meeting when all of the Trustees will be present.

Two bids were submitted for Check Valve replacement at the Deerfield lift station.  One bid was from Municipal Equipment Company in the amount of $4,253.12.  The second bid was from GRP Wegman, in the amount of $4,860.60.  After some discussion, Mr. Hayes made a motion to approve the bid from Municipal Equipment Company, for $4,253.12.  Mr. Murphy seconded the motion and all Trustees voted “Aye”.

The remaining residents in attendance left the meeting prior to the executive session.


Adjourn to executive session, pursuant to Statute 5ILCS 120/2 (C)(1), to discuss employee compensation and other personnel issues, and pursuant to Statute 5ILCS 120/2 (C)(11), to discuss possible litigation.  Mr. Hayes made a motion to adjourn to Executive session.  Mr. Murphy seconded the motion and all Trustees voted “Aye”.


Returning out of executive session, Mr. Hayes made a motion to adjourn the regular meeting.  Mr. Murphy seconded the motion and all Trustees voted “Aye”.

Respectfully submitted, Carla Lankster, District Clerk

Operations Report May 2024


OSHA Inspection performed on May 2, 2024 at approximately 10:30 am. I accompanied the Inspector through our pump room, garage area, pump storage area, and then to Water Plant to inspect all aspects of our operation. Minimal findings… OSHA 300 log not displayed on information board (even though we do not have any recordables we still have to display the log), Bench grinder in Pump rebuild room guarding out of compliance (fixed on spot) Haz-Com Program (copy in MSDS Book as required just not dated). Overall, the Inspector was very impressed with our operation and the employee (Joe) who accompanied us on the Plant Inspection. Knowledge of Hazards, Risk Assessments, Computer based training, and Communication with Management was commended.  

Cross connection/Service Line Material survey reminders sent out on current bill and posted on Association FB page. Moving forward we will begin to contact homeowners and request time to inspect.

Repairs to Water/Plant Equipment:

Memcor 2 controller malfunctioning. Plant operating at half capacity from May 2 to May 8th

Parts obtained, calibrated and system back to full production

Lightning strike at tower 2 on May 26 took out communication with Water Plant. Diagnostics performed and found fuse blown and transtector did their intended jobs and saved communication equipment from being damaged. Fuse replaced and Transtector ordered.

Bulkhead fitting installed at Water Plant to allow Vac Trailer utilization in cleaning of Trident units. This will allow more efficiency while maintaining these units increases due to hot weather.


Total call outs for month were 13. We changed out 9 grinder pumps in the month. Pump rebuilds continue in house.

New pump installed at Deerfield lift station. Warranty replacement. Check valves determined to be bad which causes pumps to run extended times. Check valves need replaced. Bids from GRP and Municipal Equipment Company are provided in Board Packets.

We had Sub Surface Instruments come to Demonstrate a locating device on Wednesday May 15th. We spent almost 2 hours in the field locating services, we had prior knowledge of their locations, and then one where we only had a general idea. Equipment was very impressive and I believe will help us tremendously with locating our services. Currently we have maps which are outdated and approximate measurements from roadways which has been subject to change. Equipment has GPS capabilities which will benefit us with updating our maps too. Unit will cost $7995.00 to purchase and includes 2 employees off site training. Training is 2-8 hour days of classroom and hands on activities at the Company HQ in Green Bay WI.

No word from EPA on fine or litigations dates for Lagoon.

Unfinished business

Cross connection/Service line material survey in progress. Electronic and paper copies to be filed and report filed to IEPA for compliance. Currently have received 335 forms back.

Class A testing Chris and Joe taking test June 11th will forward results.