Archived Meeting Minutes

Meeting Minutes 8-11-2014




Monday, August 11, 2014


The Board of Trustees of the Holiday Shores Sanitary District met on the above date in regular session pursuant to laws and rules of said Board of Trustees and in accordance with the terms of the notice of regular meeting.

Dennis Van Sandt, President called the meeting to order. Trustee present was Jeff Sedlacek and Rich Hayes attended via phone. Also present were Carla Lankster, District Clerk, and Ken Dulle of Du-Con.


The minutes of July 14, 2014 regular meeting were submitted for approval. Mr. Sedlacek made a motion to approve the minutes for the July 14, 2014 regular meeting. Mr. Van Sandt seconded the motion and all Trustees voted “Aye”.


The Summary of Accounts was reviewed for the month of July, 2014. There was income for one new Water and Sewer service at 57 Boxwood and one new Sewer only at 7582 Lake Heights, in Moro. No motion necessary.


After reviewing the disbursements for the month of July, 2014, Mr. Sedlacek made a motion to approve the July 2014 disbursements. Mr. Hayes seconded the motion and all Trustees voted “Aye”.

Du-Con submitted Invoice No. 08-06, dated August 7, 2014, for the month of July, 2014 for managing and operating water and wastewater treatment. Mr. Hayes motioned to approve Du-Con invoice No. 08-06, dated August 7, 2014. Mr. Sedlacek seconded the motion and all Trustees voted “Aye”.


The water and sewer applications for July, 2014 were reviewed, and included 13 transfers and two new applications for 7582 Lake Heights and 57 Boxwood Ct. Mr. Sedlacek made a motion to approve the July, 2014 applications. Mr. Hayes seconded the motion and all the Trustees voted “Aye”.


There was a preliminary discussion of customer miscellaneous charges and credits. An ordinance will need to be written up with new charges once a decision is made on the amounts. Ms. Lankster went over the list of existing charges and how HSSD compares to other water departments for items such as delinquent notices, late fees and shut off fees. Other districts charge 10% late fees and HSSD only charges 2.5%. The concern on the credits is that too many small sewer credits, such as $2.80 are being requested. It was suggested that the customer has a percentage over their normal bill that we require in order to grant a sewer credit. Since we have had a lot of requests already this year, this would need to be implemented in the summer of 2015, and maybe mentioned in an ordinance.


The Deerfield Lift Station is the last of the original lift stations and is going to need to be replaced. The pump and electric panel are in bad shape and the 4” thick lid is cracked. It is expected to cost about $34,000.00 to replace and the cost will be passed on to the customers serviced by that lift station in the Deerfield subdivision. When the Midway lift station was replaced, we implemented the SMLS fee to those customers for five years to pay for the replacement.


Ms. Lankster mentioned the upcoming renewal of the Employee Health Insurance. The renewal date is December 1, 2014 and we will have more information at the September meeting. At this time it appears that there will be about at 19% increase over last year for a similar plan. To change to an ACA (Affordable Care Act) Plan will be an even larger increase, but we can renew our current plan this year.

Ken Dulle mentioned that Dominique Seymour of Reed, Armstrong called to set up a time for Ken to meet with David Wilson’s Lawyer and an engineering firm to try to locate the disputed water line. The line is about 10 feet below the surface, and runs about 8 feet under the lake.


The paperwork for the Disinfection Exemption request for the lagoon has been done by HMG engineers. Ken expects that the exemption will be granted for at least a couple more years. This will give HSSD some more time before being required to build a sewerage treatment plant.

HSSD received a violation notice from the IEPA for a very small amount exceeded over the IEPA standard for an average in a quarterly test. Haloacetic Acids averaged .062 milligrams per liter and the requirement is .060. Triahalomethanes averaged .088 MG/L and the requirement is .080. The water would have to be consumed for many years at the elevated levels before there would be any risk, however the IEPA requires that we send a notice to all customers and let them know what we are doing to correct it. The testing is done quarterly and will continually be monitored.


Mr. Van Sandt made a motion to adjourn the regular meeting. Mr. Hayes seconded the motion and all the Trustees voted “Aye”.

Respectfully submitted,

Carla Lankster, District Clerk