Archived Meeting Minutes

Meeting Minutes 01/13/2025




Monday, January 13, 2025

The Board of Trustees of the Holiday Shores Sanitary District met on the above date in regular session pursuant to laws and rules of said Board of Trustees and in accordance with the terms of the notice of regular meetings.

Brennan Murphy, President and Trustee called the meeting to order.  Trustees Jeff Hebenstreit and Richard Hayes were present.  Rob Clarkson, General Manager, Rick Skiff, District Clerk and Erin Phillips, District Council were also present. 


Aubrey Linck, 1685 Su Twan Dr, stated she had a broken lid on her grinder pump tank since the last drawdown and called when it was broken  to get it replaced.  Mrs. Linck then stated that they were told by Holiday Shores Sanitary District (HSSD)  that she needed to move heavy machinery before it could be repaired. The equipment has been gone for about four years and they call every year to have it replaced and HSSD tells her they are on the list but still have not had it fixed.  HSSD has now quoted that it is going to be $400.00 for the lid and $300.00 for the labor to replace the top of the tank. Mrs. Linck acknowledged that they broke the lid and is asking that the price be reduced because it has taken so long.  Discussion ensued.  Mr. Murphy proposed reverting the price of the tank section to the 2020 price and no labor.  Mr. Murphy made a motion to approve changing the quote to reflect 2020 pricing without labor.  Mr. Hebenstreit seconded the motion and all Trustees voted “Aye”.

Neal & Nancy Adams, 97 Shore Dr SW, requesting a sewer credit for a large leak outside of the home.  The amount of the request is for 32178 gallons.  After discussion, Mr. Hayes made a motion to approve the sewer credit and optional water credit.  Mr. Hebenstreit seconded the motion and all Trustees voted “Aye”.


The minutes of the December 9,2024 regular meeting were submitted for approval, with the November Manager’s Report for Operations attached.  Mr. Hayes made a motion to approve the minutes for the December 09, 2024 meeting.  Mr. Hebenstreit seconded the motion and all Trustees voted “Aye”.


The Summary of Accounts and Statement of Revenues and Expenses were reviewed for the month-end balances on December 31, 2024.  No Motion necessary.


Unsell, Schattnik and Phillips did not submit an invoice at this meeting.

There were 1 invoice submitted for Mr. Murphy to sign.  Certop Inc. for monthly service for Wastewater Operator, for the month of December 2024.  The invoice is in the amount of $425.00, as per the contract,

APPROVAL OF APPLICATIONS                                                                                                                                                                       Water/Sewer applications list for November 2024 was submitted for approval.  Mr. Hayes made a motion to approve the applications for December 2024.  Mr. Hebenstreit seconded the motion, and all Trustees voted “Aye”.


Update on UPM Software.  Mr. Skiff stated that we have a working demo and started training with both the accounting and utility billing software.  The early impression is that it will be more user friendly.  The expected go live date is in June 2025.


Continuing the discussion of the Action Items list.  Action item 1 is regarding grant opportunities, Mr. Clarkson stated no change at this time. Mr. Hebenstreit requested that a document is created showing the grants that have been applied for and the results of the application, in a one-page document.  Mr. Clarkson is working on the list and should have for February meeting.  Item 2 regarding Ordinance review and electronic availability is tabled until the new software is ready.  It will remain on the Action Item List.  Item 3 regarding PFAS, Mr. Clarkson stated that the results of the testing for PFAS were well below the current limits or nondetectable in the second set of samples that were submitted at the end of November.  The third set of samples will be submitted in February. This item should remain on the list.  Item 4 Document an Emergency Water System Plan and Item 5 Document a Emergency Sewer System Plan, Mr. Clarkson stated that the plans are in progress and he and Joe are still working on them.  The three AWWA conference items there is no new developments at this time.

Update on Class 4 Wastewater Operator –  Mr. Clarkson stated that Kyle is scheduled to take the test in April.


Review and Sign renewal for services from Midwest Turf Management Mr. Skiff stated that there was no change in pricing from the previous year. Mr. Hayes made a motion to approve the renewal for Midwest turf Management.  Mr. Hebenstreit seconded the motion, and all Trustees voted “Aye”.

Review and Sign renewal for services from MSD Mowing Service Inc.  Mr. Skiff stated that there was no change in pricing from the previous year. Mr. Hebenstreit made a motion to approve the renewal for MSD Mowing Service Inc.  Mr. Hayes seconded the motion, and all Trustees voted “Aye”.

Discuss EPA Proposed Wastewater Effluent Contamination-Rule 22.  Mr. Clarkson stated that the EPA is considering testing lagoon and sewage treatment facilities for PFAS leaving those facilities.  He does not know how it might affect Holiday Shores Sanitary District at this time.  The list of chemicals being tested for has not been released yet.  Mr. Hebenstreit suggested that if any testing of lagoon effluents for PFAS are going to be conducted for preliminary testing purposes, this be tabled until after the lagoon project is complete since this may impact the results. 


Mr. Clarkson presented the Operations reports for December 2024, and it is attached to these meeting minutes.  Mr. Clarkson also presented information from Sarah Tebbe of HMG Engineers, regarding the lagoon project and the operations report also includes information regarding grants.


Adjourn to executive session, pursuant to Statute 5ILCS 120/2 (C)(1), to discuss employee personnel issues, and pursuant to Statute 5ILCS 120/2 (C)(11), to discuss possible litigation.  Hayes  made a motion to adjourn to Executive session.  Mr. Hebenstreit seconded the motion and all Trustees voted “Aye”.


Mr. Murphy  stated that, nothing discussed in executive session required a vote.  Mr. Clarkson informed the board of his intent to resign from the position of General Manager.  He provided a letter of resignation indicating his last day will be March 7, 2025.  This was acknowledged by the board.  The board intends to discuss the future organization structure at the next board meeting.


Mr. Murphy made a motion to adjourn the regular meeting.  Mr. Hayes seconded the motion and all Trustees voted “Aye”.

Respectfully submitted, Rick Skiff, District Clerk

Operations Report December 2024


2nd round of PFAS samples results included with packet. Results show levels well under the standards currently set by EPA. Will continue monitoring quarterly to gather data.

Repairs to Water/Plant Equipment:

Static Mixer was delivered. Waiting on price and schedule from contractor to install.

Trident filter media update: We received a bid from vendor with hard pricing to replace media $23,326.87 per unit, so this is X2. This is media only and does not include the labor to remove and replace the media. Joe researched ways to possibly clean the media through vendor. Joe and I discussed it and decided to move forward with an attempt to clean the media using 31.45% Hydrochloric acid. Joe and I spent 8 hours at plant cycling this chemical through the media bed in which each time we were able to see more improvement. End of day we are back to normal operations and estimate the savings to water plant in the neighborhood of $50K. I would like to recognize Joe for a job well done.  Plan going forward is to repeat same procedure for the remaining trident unit and put this into an annual rotation as preventative maintenance.


Total call outs for month were 8. We changed out 11 grinder pumps in the month. Yearend call outs totaled 124 and pump changes totaled 130. Pump rebuilds are being conducted in house.

Lift station at 159 and Moro Rd has piping deterioration causing extended run times of pumps. Work has not been started on this project.  Scheduled for January 2025 as weather permits.

Lift station at Deerfield Subdivision entrance has deteriorated electrical post. Work to repair is underway. Currently waiting on Ameren to inspect new meter support structure. Estimate completion by mid-January.

We are waiting on Electrical design permit for Lagoon project. The land application permit has been awarded and we are moving forward with bid process to begin Lagoon work.  We will have bid packets once these are completed.

No word from EPA on fine or litigations dates for Lagoon.