Archived Meeting Minutes

Meeting Minutes 11-14-2022



Monday, November 14, 2022

The Board of Trustees of the Holiday Shores Sanitary District met on the above date in regular session pursuant to laws and rules of said Board of Trustees and in accordance with the terms of the notice of regular meeting.

Richard Hayes, President and Trustee called the meeting to order.  Trustees Brennan Murphy and Julie Romano were present.  Also present were Carla Lankster, District Clerk and Joe Urban, Operations.


Mr. Brian Buchheit of HMG Engineers started the open forum with information and a contract to be signed regarding the first phase of the Wastewater Treatment project at the lagoon.  The District received a violation letter from the IEPA several months ago and HMG has been working with The District to come up with a timeline to complete the project and apply for low interest financing through the IEPA.  A project plan timeline was submitted, but the Springfield IEPA denied the request, because the Compliance Assurance Section does not approve anything over one year.  HMG has been working on a project plan which evaluates the existing system, reviews data, and lays out a plan as to what to do in order for the Lagoon Effluent to meet EPA compliance.  HMG wants to take the time for it to be done properly, not just put a band-aid on it.  There will be a virtual meeting between HMG, Joe Urban and the Springfield IEPA to work out differences on the plan and obtain approval from the IEPA to proceed with the project.  Ms. Romano made a motion to approve signing the contract for the first phase of the Wastewater Compliance project.  Mr. Murphy seconded the motion, and all Trustees voted “Aye”.  Two copies of the contract were signed by HMG, and Mr. Richard Hayes, President and Ms. Lankster, District Clerk.

Ms. Julie Billeter and Josh Andres of Scheffel Boyle were in attendance to present the Audited financial report for the year ended June 30, 2022.  Ms. Billeter stated that the Fiscal Year 2021-2022 audit went smoothly.  All questions were answered quickly by Carla Lankster and Christine Sterett during the audit process.  Scheffel Boyle gave Holiday Shores Sanitary District a Clean and Unmodified opinion, which is the best opinion they can give.  Expenses were under budget for the year, and (everything) is consistent with previous audits.

Ms. Julie Romano, Trustee had some questions for the auditors.  The (main) question was regarding the role of the District Board of Trustees.  Mr. Josh Andres stated that Scheffel Boyle advocates for Board involvement, because the buck stops with the Board.  They encourage the Board to ask questions about anything that looks odd or unusual.  They don’t encourage micromanagement , but to make sure the members of the Board understand what is going on, so questions can be answered if the need arises.  Safeguards are important on day-to-day financial operations, but the board needs to come to an agreement on how to deal with it and to what extent.


The minutes of October 10, 2022 regular meeting were submitted for approval.  Ms. Romano made a motion to approve the minutes for the October 10, 2022 regular meeting.  Mr. Murphy seconded the motion and all Trustees voted “Aye”.

FINANCIAL                                                                                                                                                                   The Summary of Accounts was reviewed for the month-end balances on October 31, 2022.  No motion necessary.


Accounts Payable disbursements were reviewed for October 2022.  Ms. Romano made a motion to approve the October 2022 disbursements.  Mr. Murphy seconded the motion and all Trustees voted “Aye”.

Certop, Inc. Invoice #11012022.06, dated 11/1/2022 for $5,000.00 was submitted for payment.  This invoice is for a contracted Class A Water Operator and is for the month of October 2022.  Mr. Murphy made a motion to approve Certop Inc. Invoice #11012022.06, for October 2022 Class A Water Operator services.  Ms. Romano seconded the motion and all Trustees voted “Aye”.

There were two invoices over the amount of $500.00, that needed Trustee signature this month.  The legal services invoice from Unsell, Schattnik & Phillips was in the amount of $480.00.  Also, the invoice from GRP Wegman, in the amount of $10,850.00  This was for the 21 ceiling lights to be upgraded to LED,  pre-approved when three other companies did bids.  Both invoices were signed by Mr. Hayes.

APPROVAL OF APPLICATIONS                                                                                                                                               The water and sewer applications for October 2022 were reviewed.  Ms. Romano made a motion to approve October 2022 applications.  Mr. Murphy seconded the motion and all the Trustees voted “Aye”.




Mr. Murphy was asked by the customer at 2073 Jolly Roger, who used over 14,000 gallons, which resulted in a $180.00 water/sewer bill.  It was caused by a running toilet, but they asked if it could be presented to the Trustees.  Mr. Murphy explained that the water went through the sewer system, therefore a credit could not be given.  The only credits that have been given for toilets in the past were extreme/unusual circumstances.


Mr. Urban discussed the IEPA regulations regarding lead and copper testing in households.  The testing is required every three years for 20 homes in Holiday Shores, and the sample is taken by the homeowner.  Three of the 20 homes tested too high for lead inside of the houses, not in the service water.  Therefore, the EPA is now requiring the District to send out informational letters, using EPA required language, to every household in Holiday Shores.  Several bids were collected for printing and mailing the letters out, and it was decided that it would be more cost effective to source it out, rather

than employees doing the work and paying for the office supplies needed.  The lowest bid, to complete the entire process to send out 1,200 letters, was from Schwartzkopf printing in Alton.  They will do it for $1,458.00.  The EPA will require this letter to be sent two more times.  They also require multiple water samples to be taken from the 20 houses and the District water supply.  This is not an IEPA violation.  Any questions from customers will be directed to Joe or Chris.

A sewer main leak was reported by someone walking past 6944 St. James Drive.  After a locate was called in, the repair was completed within four hours.  Some of the sewerage went into the pond located in front of the house, so the homeowner requested a water test, at the location that it entered the pond.  That test came back high for fecal matter.  When Mr. Urban contacted the IEPA, they were not concerned and told him to re-test in a few days, but in the middle of the pond.  That test came back with a very low fecal count.  The homeowner was satisfied with the results.  This was not a IEPA required test.

There were 12 grinder pump changes in October, and 11 after hours call-outs in the month of October.


Mr. Murphy made a motion to move to Executive Session pursuant to Statute 5ILCS 120/2 (C)(1) and (C)(2).  To discuss employee compensation schedules and responsibilities.  Ms. Romano seconded the motion, and all Trustees voted “Aye”.

Respectfully submitted, Carla Lankster, District Clerk