Meeting Minutes 5-13-2024
Monday, May 13, 2024
The Board of Trustees of the Holiday Shores Sanitary District met on the above date in regular session pursuant to laws and rules of said Board of Trustees and in accordance with the terms of the notice of regular meeting.
Richard Hayes, President and Trustee called the meeting to order. Trustees Brennan Murphy and Jeff Hebenstreit were present. Carla Lankster, District Clerk and Rob Clarkson, General Manager were also present. There were also eight members of the Holiday Shores community present for a discussion in Open Forum.
The residents who submitted pool credits for the month of April did not attend the meeting.
Ron Green is a resident and attended to listen. He stated that he has been working for 30 years in the wastewater services.
Jennifer Halverson attended, and she began with questions about the individual charges on the bills. Ms. Lankster responded to all of her questions, with the descriptions, and stated that the fees are listed on the HSSD website.
Mr. Halford was another resident in attendance, who asked if there has been a change to the way water usage is being determined. His bills used to be in the $100.00 range, and recently have been in the $200.00 range, and he is concerned about the rate increase. Mr. Hebenstreit explained how the periods vary month to month, depending on when the readings are done. That will cause a difference in the bill amounts. Mr. Hebenstreit also stated that in order to balance the budget, we had to increase the rates. It was not a light decision to raise the bills, and the rates are determined using an average of 3,600 gallons per month, per customer.
Ms. Halverson asked if there would be a rate increase for the upcoming project. Mr. Hebenstreit responded that we do not know at this time. The project is not expected to be complete until spring, 2025, but it would show on the bill as a debt service fee. Then Mr. Hebenstreit continued to explain that we did a detailed analysis for the budget and found that the sewer has been under billed, and needed a larger increase. The increase was not related to the sewer project.
There was a question from two of the residents, asking why they cannot put the water and sewer on hold for an extended vacation? It was explained that these charges are part of the District’s maintenance and paying for debt. It is figured into the detailed budget revenue, and we are a small community and have to pay the expenses, based on the total expected revenues. We continue to maintain the system and the grinder pumps throughout the year.
Mr. & Mrs. Davenport were in attendance, and asked why their bill went from $75.00 to $150.00? Ms. Lankster requested their names and address to look up their account. Their bills since the January 2024 rate increase ranged from $107.00 to $151.00. Three months prior to January ranged from $93.00 to $101.00. It was explained that the differences were from the dates of the meter readings and a different number of days in the periods, and changes in water use. Then Mrs. Davenport asked if there was a rate increase last year? Yes there was, in April 2023, but it was a smaller increase, and was not enough to keep up with the increased expenses that the district has experienced in recent years. It was prior to the April 2023 increase that they had a bill of $75.00.
There were questions regarding other money that may be available to the community, such as grants. Another question was raised, regarding the Class A water license requirements, and if an employee has passed the test. Also, who is providing the Class A services? Mr. Hebenstreit and Mr. Clarkson answered that it is James White, who is a contracted employee of the District. It was stated that both of these topics are included in the agenda, and that the residents are encouraged to stay for the remainder of the meeting. Jennifer Halverson and Ron Green, as well as Mr. & Mrs. Davenport, chose to remain for the entire open meeting.
The minutes of April 8, 2024 regular meeting were submitted for approval, with the Manager’s Report for Operations attached. Mr. Murphy made a motion to approve the minutes for the April 8, 2024 meeting. Mr. Hebenstreit seconded the motion and all Trustees voted “Aye”.
The Summary of Accounts and Statement of Revenues and Expenses were reviewed for the month-end balances on April 30, 2024. No Motion necessary.
The April 2024 Accounts Payable disbursements were reviewed for approval. Mr. Murphy made a motion to approve the April 2024 disbursements. Mr. Hebenstreit seconded the motion and all Trustees voted “Aye”.
A renewal order was submitted for approval from Central Square for the annual maintenance fee for the Asyst software, beginning 8/1/2024. There was a 7% increase over last year, and it is for $6,351.32. It will be for the entire year. However, we may cancel the service when the new software is implemented. Mr. Hebenstreit suggested asking for a partial billing. Ms. Lankster stated that we do not know the date when the new software will be implemented, and there could be a decrease in service if we let them know early. Mr. Murphy agreed that the service could be affected. Therefore, Mr. Murphy made a motion to approve the Central Square maintenance renewal in the amount of $6,351.32. Mr. Hebenstreit seconded the motion, and all Trustees voted “Aye”.
An invoice from Unsell, Schattnik & Phillips was submitted for approval, for legal services December 28, 2023 through March 31, 2024, in the amount of $1,335.00. Mr. Hebenstreit made a motion to approve the invoice for legal services. Mr. Murphy seconded the motion, and all Trustees voted “Aye”.
Mr. Hayes signed invoices over $500.00. The adjusted invoice from HMG Engineers that was presented at the April meeting was signed. Mr. Hayes also signed the Cincinnati Insurance quarterly invoices, as well as an invoice for mowing the flat surfaces at the lagoon for Michael Schaefer, and an invoice for Unsell, Schattnik & Phillips for legal services
APPROVAL OF APPLICATIONS Water/Sewer applications for April 2024 were submitted for approval. There were 10 property transfers and 2 New sewer connections. Mr. Murphy made a motion to approve the April 2024 Applications. Mr. Hebenstreit seconded the motion and all Trustees voted “Aye”.
Holishor Association is refusing to pay a portion of the Sewer Main By-pass that was required when the Culvert collapsed at Biscay and Waikiki, and they do not want to attend our meeting. Mr. Hebenstreit wants to attend the next Holishor Association Board meeting, next Wednesday, to discuss why they will not pay. The Trustees agree that Mr. Hebenstreit can attend the meeting, and no motion is necessary.
There was a discussion regarding grant opportunities that will continue to be researched. Our community has a much higher median household income than most communities that do receive grant funding. Mr. Clarkson prepared a list of grant information that he researched in April, which is attached to these minutes. Mr. Hebenstreit would like to see an ongoing report put on our website, to update monthly, to keep the community informed on any progress.
Mr. Hebenstreit stated that the operations staff does a great job on what they are doing, but he said it is unacceptable that it has been two years and they have not passed the test. We need to brainstorm on how to help the staff study to pass the test. Mr. Ron Green, resident, asked if the tests are specific to the type of water plant within the District? Mr. Clarkson answered, no, there are not specific tests, and that all types of water processing are included. Mr. Green has a Class 1 wastewater license and is familiar with the system. He made some suggestions on how to study after taking the test. There are sections to the test that do not apply to the Holiday Shores water plant, but are included, due to different types of water plants. Holiday Shores is a surface water plant, and ground water plants require different filtration methods. Mr. Hebenstreit said it is unacceptable that they have not passed the test, and they need to come up with a plan to study. He asked Mr. Clarkson if they have looked into the tutoring at SIUE, and Mr. Clarkson said that SIUE is not providing in-person tutoring, so they are looking at several options on-line.
Electronic Availability of Ordinances was tabled for this meeting.
Skidsteer Hauling submitted a proposal for mowing the slopes at the lagoon. They will be increasing from $1,500.00 per mow to $1,800.00 to mow. They are only mowing company that has the equipment to mow the berms. Mr. Hebenstreit made a motion to approve the proposal from Skidsteer Hauling, in the amount of $1,800.00 per mow. Mr. Murphy seconded the motion, and all Trustees voted “Aye”.
There was a short discussion of the preliminary budget for fiscal year 2024-2025. Ms. Lankster submitted a list of questions and concerns on the budget, to be reviewed by the Trustees for the next meeting. No rate increases are planned for this budget. Detailed calculations have not been done yet. Ms. Lankster added the new software implementation and partial monthly software maintenance to the budget. Mr. Hebenstreit would like the fixed asset portion to come from the reserve funds.
Ms. Lankster will be preparing the line-item adjustments to the fiscal year 2023-2024 budget, to be presented at the June Meeting. These are only adjustments within each fund, with no increase to the total budget.
There will be a discussion in executive session of employment applications that have been received.
Mr. Clarkson presented his Manager’s Report he prepared, for the month of April. The report was discussed and is an attachment to the meeting minutes. Ms. Halverson asked about the 700 or more homes that have not responded to the Cross Connection survey. Mr. Clarkson stated that we have it on our website and we have put it on the bills. Ms. Lankster stated that we mailed out the surveys to all houses, and Ms. Halverson stated that she probably threw it away, because she thought it was marketing. Ms. Lankster responded that HSSD does not send out any marketing materials. Ms. Halverson asked if she could copy the notice that was placed in the Holiday Times and place it on the other Holiday Shores Facebook pages, because she believes more people would see it. If it is placed on the Holishor Facebook page, Ms. Halverson could share it on the other Facebook pages. The Trustees agreed that it would be an option to reach more customers.
The remaining residents in attendance left the meeting prior to the executive session.
Adjourn to executive session, pursuant to Statute 5ILCS 120/2 (C)(1), to discuss employee compensation and responsibilities. Mr. Hebenstreit made a motion to adjourn to Executive session. Mr. Murphy seconded the motion and all Trustees voted “Aye”.
Returning out of executive session, Mr. Hayes stated that there were no decisions voted on in executive session. Mr. Murphy made a motion to adjourn the regular meeting. Mr. Hebenstreit seconded the motion and all Trustees voted “Aye”.
Respectfully submitted, Carla Lankster, District Clerk
AVAAP Funding:
This Grant was available to compensate essential workers due to revenue losses from the Covid Pandemic. Funding is not available to HSSD
ARPA Infrastructure Grant:
This grant directs you to the specific state you are looking for Grant Monies from. You are directed to apply, in our case to the IEPA and it states it is a loan once you navigate to the appropriate channel. We have an application under review by the IEPA for funding of our Lagoon project.
National Clean Investment Fund:
This immediately directs you to the web site and asks for an Entity number. HSSD has never been registered as an Entity in the system. The process has been submitted and we have received our Entity Number so if funding comes available in the future we can apply. Currently application dates have expired.
Below is the latest correspondence from the clean energy audit performed in March. I phoned the auditor and asked for an update and this was the response given. He indicated he has performed 27 other audits since he was at our Plants. His information will be vital to how we apply for energy related funding allowances and whether or not we qualify for energy funding or credits.
Thank you once again for taking the time and participating in our program. I do apologize, but we are in the midst of “busy season,” and it may be a bit until we complete the report. We try to be thorough in analyzing potential opportunities. I will reach out if any issues come up.
From: Auksel, Bill
Sent: Thursday, March 21, 2024 10:35 AM
To: Rob Clarkson <[email protected]>
Subject: RE: Coordinating PWI site visit – Holiday Shores Sanitary District
Just to verify, are we starting at water plant?:
97 Holiday Dam Road, Edwardsville, IL
Program Manager– Public Water Infrastructure
Technical Assistance Engineer, Sustainability I have been in contact with three Madison County officials Mick Madison, Dave Tanzyus, and Marc Hohlt searching for any help that may be out there. All Federal monies lead you back to the State offices which in our case is IEPA and we already have an application filed with them. USDA has a program that at first glance looked hopeful. After digging in I found the road ends with underprivileged communities, tribal councils, and we don’t fit either of these characteristics. On the plus side we can continue to search the USDA grant/loan opportunities to possibly obtain monies to paydown more principle at a quicker rate in the future. Having an established loan seems to be a positive in applying for assistance from the USDA (RD).
Operations Report April 2024
Club house meter has been repaired with new register. Tests performed using 5-gallon buckets to verify accuracy while monitoring meter.
Cross connection survey It is becoming apparent that we will need to allocate labor to inspect homes to comply with EPA regulations.
Repairs to Water/Plant Equipment:
Gate access box working intermittently. Had service company come to diagnose and received quote to replace, $885.87. Located replacement parts on line, $229.00, and installed in house.
Control actuator and 24-volt power supply went out on Memcor 2. We had a rebuilt actuator on shelf and made the repair at valve. Ordered power supply from Grainger and will install when it arrives. By-Passed power supply in meantime to remain running at half capacity.
Total call outs for month were 24. We changed out 6 grinder pumps in the month and repaired 18 on service calls. We had one call out to Deerfield for a gravity main suspected blockage. Customer had water backing up into basement at 1:00 am. Investigated and found customers lateral had blockage not our main. Pump rebuilds continue in house.
No word from EPA on fine or litigations dates for Lagoon.
We received Project Summary and Notice of Categorical Exclusion from Detailed Environmental Review from the IEPA for the Lagoon Project via USPS on April 22 2024. Our IEPA Loan Project Number is L176598. A Copy of this document is on display at the district office and accessible to be viewed by the public during normal working hours. This is what was published for public comment, which we did not receive any comments in the 10-day window, and the IEPA has forwarded to us for our records.
Unfinished business
Email sent to Angie Webster (HOA Manager) informing her we intend to bill Association for portion of By-Pass on Sept 28th. Letter received in HSSD office Thursday March 28th requesting John, Angie, and Ty to attend Board of Trustees meeting. An email was also sent to John. Invitation includes all board members that wish to attend.
Cross connection survey in progress. Electronic and paper copies to be filed and report filed to IEPA for compliance. Currently have received 324 forms back leaving roughly 900 +- homes to inspect.
Class A testing: Chris contacted SIUE to obtain test specific training. No in person tutoring is available. Course specific study guide has been obtained based on course offered through SIUE. Joe and Chris have been working on absorbing this information and will retake test on June .
If we do not pass this round of testing Chris will begin Zoom classes starting in August at night. This is a 12-week course a few evenings a week. On Call will have to be adjusted to allow his participation. Joe and Kyle are aware and will work schedules to accommodate.
See attached document for Grant updates