Archived Meeting Minutes

Meeting Minutes 6-14-2021




Monday June 14, 2021

The Board of Trustees of the Holiday Shores Sanitary District met on the above date in regular session pursuant to laws and rules of said Board of Trustees and in accordance with the terms of the notice of regular meeting.

Brennan Murphy, President called the meeting to order.  Trustee, Richard Hayes was present, and Jeff Sedlacek joined the meeting via phone.  Also present, was Carla Lankster, District Clerk. Mr. Ken Dulle of Restoration Resources, Operations was not able to attend, due to a death in the family.


APPROVAL OF MINUTES                                                                                                                                             The minutes of May 10, 2021 regular meeting were submitted for approval.  Mr. Hayes made a motion to approve the minutes for the May 10, 2021 regular meeting.  Mr. Sedlacek seconded the motion and all Trustees voted “Aye”.

FINANCIAL                                                                                                                                                                    The Summary of Accounts was reviewed for May, 2021.  No motion necessary.


After reviewing the Accounts Payable disbursements for the month of May 2021, Mr. Hayes made a motion to approve the May 2021 disbursements.  Mr. Sedlacek seconded the motion and all Trustees voted “Aye”.

Restoration Resources submitted Invoice #674, dated 6/7/2021 for May Operations Management.  Mr. Hayes made a motion to approve Restoration Resources Invoice #674, for May Operations Management.  Mr. Sedlacek seconded the motion and all Trustees voted “Aye”.

The two invoices for Cincinnati Insurance for the Quarterly Workers’ Compensation insurance and the Commercial insurance were presented for a signature from President, Brennan Murphy.  There was also an invoice for legal expenses in the month of May, in the amount of $375.00.  That invoice from Unsell, Schattnik and Phillips was also signed by Mr. Brennan Murphy.

APPROVAL OF APPLICATIONS                                                                                                                                              

The water and sewer applications for May 2021 were reviewed.  Mr. Hayes made a motion to approve May 2021 applications.  Mr. Sedlacek seconded the motion and all the Trustees voted “Aye”.




The annual Prevailing Wage Ordinance No. 2021-02 was presented for approval and signing.  Mr. Hayes made a motion to approve Prevailing Wage Ordinance No. 2021-02.  Mr. Sedlacek seconded the motion and all Trustees vote Aye.  Mr. Brennan Murphy and Carla Lankster, District Clerk, signed the ordinance.

The Budget Adjustments for FY 2020-2021 were presented for approval.  There will be a large adjustment within the Water Fund due to the re-financing of the Water Plant loan.  There was no budget for the Legal/Bonding expense and the Interest and principal were adjusted.  The Sewer Fund did not have any adjustments and General Fund just had some minor adjustments.  Mr. Hayes made a motion to approve the FY 2020-2021 Budget Adjustments.  Mr. Sedlacek seconded the motion, and all Trustees voted “Aye”.

There was a preliminary discussion regarding the FY 2021-2022 Budget.  Some of the Expense Line Items will be adjusted before the Ordinance will be written up for approval at the July meeting.  Some Expense items will be less for the 2021-2022 fiscal year, however many materials have gone up in price, and must be adjusted in the Budget.   Mr. Hayes made a motion for District Clerk, Ms. Lankster to write up the FY 2021-2022 Budget Ordinance.  Mr. Sedlacek seconded the motion and all Trustees voted “Aye”.

There was a short discussion regarding the Tax Levy Ordinance for FY 2021-2022.  The Trustees agree that the Sanitary District should request the 4.99% increase over last year.  So, it will be written into an ordinance.



Mr. Murphy stated to move to a closed meeting pursuant to Statute 5ILCS 120/2 (C)(1), to discuss Employee Compensation.  Mr. Hayes made a motion to move to Executive closed session.  Mr. Sedlacek seconded the motion, and all Trustees voted “Aye”.


Mr. Hayes made a motion to adjourn the regular meeting.  Mr. Sedlacek seconded the motion, and all Trustees voted “Aye”. Respectfully submitted, Carla Lankster, District Clerk