Archived Meeting Minutes

Meeting Minutes 8-9-2022



Tuesday, August 9, 2022

The Board of Trustees of the Holiday Shores Sanitary District met on the above date in regular session pursuant to laws and rules of said Board of Trustees and in accordance with the terms of the notice of regular meeting.

Richard Hayes, Vice President and Trustee called the meeting to order.  Brennan Murphy, Trustee was present.  Also present were Carla Lankster, District Clerk and Joe Urban, Operations.  Julie Romano, a resident of Holiday Shores, and Brian Buchheit and Sarah Tebbe of HMG Engineering were present.


As was stated in the July 11, 2022 meeting minutes, Mr. Jeff Sedlacek informed the District that he was selling his house in Holiday Shores on July 22, 2022 and would no longer meet the residency requirement to be a Trustee.  Therefore, a Trustee would have to be appointed by the two remaining Trustees to fulfill the remainder of Mr. Sedlacek’s term.

Ms. Julie Romano, a resident of Holiday Shores, on Catalina Drive was chosen to be appointed to assume the remaining term of Mr. Jeffrey Sedlacek, who resigned effective July 22, 2022, upon the sale of his home in Holiday Shores.  Mr. Richard Hayes made a motion to appoint Ms. Julie Romano to assume the remainder of the term of Mr. Jeffrey Sedlacek, through November 2024.  Mr. Brennan Murphy seconded the motion and all Trustees voted “Aye”.  Julie was sworn in as the new Trustees and Mr. Hayes and Mr. Murphy welcomed Ms. Romano as the newly appointed Trustee.

Immediately following the appointment, the Trustees did the Election of Officers, effective immediately.  Mr. Hayes will assume the position of President.  Mr. Murphy will assume the position of Vice President.  Ms. Romano will assume the position of Treasurer/Secretary.  Mr. Hayes made a motion to approve the positions of the Holiday Shores Sanitary District, Board of Trustees as Ms. Romano for Treasurer, Mr. Murphy for Vice President and Mr. Hayes for President.  Mr. Murphy seconded the motion, and all Trustees voted “Aye”.

Mr. Brian Buchheit and Ms. Sarah Tebbe of HMG Engineers attended the meeting to discuss improvements necessary at the lagoon, in order to meet IEPA Standards for Wastewater.  The sludge buildup in the lagoon is significant and must be addressed.  Suspended solids have been addressed in the past, but this time there is also excessive Bio-Chemical Organic materials.  There are a lot of algae blooms caused by low oxygen.  The rock filter is old and has too many weeds, not allowing water to flow through as it should.  The good news is that the District does not need a larger plant, however the sludge must be removed.  Mechanical removal can be very costly.  Ms. Tebbe said a bid for Beckemeyer to remove the sludge mechanically was $1.2 million.  The other form of removal is Bio-augmentation, which could still cost the District about $300,000.00.  Within the next two weeks, HMG Engineering will submit a plan to the IEPA for approval.  Then HMG Engineering will present the Engineering agreement, and a plan with costs and materials to the Trustees.  The IEPA offers low interest loans, and By-Pass funding could also be available because of the size of our District.


The minutes of July 11, 2022 regular meeting were submitted for approval.  Mr. Murphy made a motion to approve the minutes for the July 11, 2022 regular meeting.  Ms. Romano seconded the motion and all Trustees voted “Aye”.

FINANCIAL                                                                                                                                                                   The Summary of Accounts was reviewed for the month-end balances on July 31, 2022.  Ms. Lankster explained the Regular funds and the Trust Reserves listed on the Summary.  No motion necessary.


Accounts Payable disbursements were reviewed for July 2022.  Mr. Murphy made a motion to approve the July 2022 disbursements.  Ms. Romano seconded the motion and all Trustees voted “Aye”.

Certop, Inc. Invoice #08012022.07, for July 2022 for $5,000.00 was submitted for payment.  This invoice is for a contracted Class A Water operator, and is for the month of July 2022.  Ms. Romano made a motion to approve Certop Inc. Invoice #08012022.07, for July 2022 Class A Water Operator services.  Mr. Murphy seconded the motion and all Trustees voted “Aye”.

Several invoices were presented for authorization, over the amount of $500.00, including Schmidt and Son for HVAC repairs, and Utility Service for Quarterly Water Tower Maintenance.

APPROVAL OF APPLICATIONS                                                                                                                                              The water and sewer applications for July 2022 were reviewed.  Ms. Romano made a motion to approve July 2022 applications.  Mr. Murphy seconded the motion and all the Trustees voted “Aye”.


Ms. Lankster presented the list of customer credits for Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2022.  Many of the credits are for summer sewer credits and outside leaks.  Mr. Hayes signed the spreadsheet document.



Mr. Joe Urban is looking into the cost of replacing the lighting at the water plant.  Approximately 7 fixtures are not working, and it appears to be the ballasts, not just the bulbs.  The current fixtures are outdated and use excessive energy, especially to power up, and Mr. Urban checked the temperature using a laser pointer and each bulb puts out 100 degrees of heat.  Mr. Urban is getting bids from several electricians to replace all of the lights with LED fixtures, and will request the comparison cost benefits on electricity used.  The Trustees also requested checking into any incentives that might be offered by Southwestern Electric like Ameren has.


There have been 89 grinder pump change-outs so far this year, and 22 after hours call-outs in the month of July.  There were two recent sewer backups.  One backup was at 6925 Drew Drive, and the pump and alarm failed.  Also 707 Blvd De Cannes had a backup after they requested the District to remove the Control Panel from the wall so siding could be replaced.  It is something the techs have done many times in the past, without a problem.  However, this time, sometime overnight it pulled away from the wall too much and the electric wire going to the house came loose, so the pump did not work.  Per our ordinance, if the customer claims on insurance, we will negotiate and pay a portion of the deductible, if it is not determined to be 100 percent District responsibility.


Move to closed meeting pursuant to Statute 5ILCS 120/2 (C)(1) to discuss Employee Compensation.  In addition, Statute 5ILCS 120/2 (C)(11) to discuss details of possible litigation.  Ms. Romano made a motion to adjourn to Executive Session.  Mr. Murphy seconded the motion and all Trustees voted “Aye”.


Back from Executive Session, Mr. Murphy made a motion to adjourn the regular meeting.  Ms. Romano seconded the motion, and all Trustees voted “Aye”.

Respectfully submitted, Carla Lankster, District Clerk