Meeting Minutes 2-8-2016
Monday, February 8, 2016
The Board of Trustees of the Holiday Shores Sanitary District met on the above date in regular session pursuant to laws and rules of said Board of Trustees and in accordance with the terms of the notice of regular meeting.
Jeff Sedlacek, President called the meeting to order. Trustees, Richard Hayes and Dennis Van Sandt were present. Also present were Carla Lankster, District Clerk, and Ken Dulle of Du-Con.
Mr. Lawrence Rouse of 411 High Point Drive was in attendance to discuss the high bill he had for January 2016, while he was out of town. The water line broke from the water meter to his house, which was realized at the time the monthly meter readings were done on 1/25/2016. As soon as the reading of 140,260 gallons was discovered, technician, Chris White went to the house on 1/26/2016 to check the reading and check for a leak. It was leaking and the Water was turned off to avoid any more loss. Mr. Rouse attended the meeting to request some consideration for the high bill and the fact that he was not in town to discover the leak prior to the reading being taken. The trustees agreed to give full sewer use credit, which is normal procedure in the case of an outside leak. The trustees also agreed to a partial water use credit, due to the excessive amount of his bill. The total bill was $1,242.83, but with the full Sewer use credit and the partial water credit, Mr. Rouse will pay $500.00 plus $60.00 for his February bill. Mr. Hayes made a motion to revise the bill to a total of $560.00 for January and February. Mr. Van Sandt seconded the motion and all Trustees voted “Aye”.
Ms. Laura Scaturro of 1716 Fountainbleu Drive was in attendance to discuss the Boil Order procedures of the Sanitary District. Mr. Dulle explained that the reason for most of our recent boil orders is a drop in water pressure. When there is a water line break that has to be repaired, we go from valve to valve to keep the number of homes involved down to a minimum. Only the houses between those two valves lose pressure, so those homes get a door hanger or a phone call telling them that they are on a boil order until the water sample comes back satisfactory, usually the next afternoon. Ms. Scaturro requested a written procedure, which will have to be researched in our ordinances. At the very least we follow the guidelines of the IEPA, most of which are for major boil orders involving a large number of homes, which has not occurred in Holiday Shores in about 10 years.
Since Ms. Scaturro is the chair of the Communications and Media committee for Holiday Shores, she is asking that HSSD begin to place a notice on the Holiday Shores Face Book page for boil orders. Mr. Dulle wants to be sure that the notice is very address specific, so there are not unnecessary phone calls coming into the office when people see the notice. Ms. Scaturro also asked that we put something on our website stating that when a boil order is initiated for any of the Holiday Shores residents, HSSD will notify the Holiday Shores Association office.
Mr. Yates of L. Yates and Sons was not in attendance, however Mr. Dulle discussed the issue with the Moro Road lift station at the corner of his property. The Sanitary District has to access the lift station from the Yates property and there is currently no specific easement agreement. There have been no issues with our access on the property, but it would be a good idea to have a specific agreement. Mr. Yates is also interested in getting a grinder pump and connecting to the sewer system.
The minutes of January 11, 2016 regular meeting were submitted for approval. Mr. Hayes made a motion to approve the minutes for the January 11, 2016 regular meeting. Mr. Van Sandt seconded the motion and all Trustees voted “Aye”.
The Summary of Accounts was reviewed for the month of January, 2016. No motion necessary.
After reviewing the disbursements for the month of January, 2016, Mr. Van Sandt made a motion to approve the January 2016 disbursements. Mr. Hayes seconded the motion and all Trustees voted “Aye”.
Du-Con submitted Invoice No. 2-9, dated February 8, 2016, for the month of January, 2016 for managing and operating water and wastewater treatment. Mr. Hayes made a motion to approve Du-Con invoice No. 2-9, dated February 8, 2016. Mr. Van Sandt seconded the motion and all Trustees voted “Aye”.
The water and sewer applications for January, 2016 were reviewed, and included 8 customer transfers. Mr. Hayes made a motion to approve the January, 2016 applications. Mr. Van Sandt seconded the motion and all the Trustees voted “Aye”.
A bid was submitted by MSD Mowing for 2016 Mowing season and the 4 step fertilizing and weed control at the HSSD office. Comparing to the 2015 Mowing season, the prices in the 2016 bid have all remained the same per location and per mowing. The 4 step fertilizer and weed control is offered at a 5% discount if it is pre-paid for $692.00. Mr. Hayes made a motion to approve the 2016 mowing and lawn care bid from MSD Mowing. Mr. Van Sandt seconded and all Trustees voted “Aye”.
North American Energy Advisors contacted out office about bidding on the electric rates. The accounts within the Southwestern Electric Cooperative are not open for bidding. The only electric accounts with Ameren Electric are the 4 lift stations located in the Moro/Midway area. The accounts are very small and are currently being billed by Homefield Energy. North American Energy gave HSSD bids from several providers, with the lowest rate being .0669 per kWh. The one-year contract bid just offered by Homefield Energy upon renewal, was .05184 per kWh. Therefore HSSD will continue to use Homefield Energy for the electric for the four lift stations in Moro/Midway.
SIU Edwardsville contacted Mr. Ken Dulle about an Environmental Resource Training Center internship for the spring 2016. It is a 5 or 6 week internship for students graduating from the ERTC program. HSSD usually pays minimum wage to the intern. The Trustees agreed that it is a good program to support and told Mr. Dulle to tell SIUE that the Sanitary District would participate this year.
The work to clean and refurbish the linings on the Moro lift station and the main lift station at the office is complete. The total cost was approximately $32,000.00 and the contractor said they should be good for another 20 years now. To replace the lift stations, it would have cost upwards of $100,000.00.
There have been two water main leaks discovered in the past week on Monaco Drive. One has already been repaired and the other one will be repaired in the next few days.
Mr. Van Sandt made a motion to adjourn the regular meeting. Mr. Hayes seconded the motion and all the Trustees voted “Aye”.
Respectfully submitted,
Carla Lankster, District Clerk