Latest Agenda / Meeting Minutes

Meeting Minutes 10-14-2024



Monday, October 14, 2024


The Board of Trustees of the Holiday Shores Sanitary District met on the above date in regular session pursuant to laws and rules of said Board of Trustees and in accordance with the terms of the notice of regular meetings.

Richard Hayes, President and Trustee called the meeting to order.  Trustees Brennan Murphy and Jeff Hebenstreit were present.  Carla Lankster, District Clerk, and Rob Clarkson, General Manager, and Rick Skiff, District Clerk in training were also present.  Attorney, Erin Phillips was in attendance.  There were also members of the Holiday Shores community present for a discussion in Open Forum.


Mr. Levi Halford of lot 455 submitted a sewer credit request at the September meeting.  It was not received prior to the meeting, so he was told that it would be approved at the October meeting, and he would not be required to attend again.  The request was due to a leak in the water line, which was discovered when he returned from vacation.  The gallons exceeding the average use was 14,512 gallons.  The sewer credit is $110.88 and 25% of the water loss, to be calculated.  Mr. Hayes made a motion to approve the water leak credit.  Mr. Murphy seconded the motion, and all Trustees voted “Aye”.

Mr. Poettgen and Ms. Votava of 674 Monaco submitted a request for a pool sewer credit for the months of April through September.  Mr. Hebenstreit explained that a new policy is being put into place, in which we will not allow multiple top offs of the pool, only a large one-time pool filling.  It will be approved this year.  The credit is for a total of 11,900 gallons, for a total sewer credit of $90.94.  Mr. Hebenstreit made a motion to approve the credit.  Mr. Hayes seconded the motion, and all Trustees voted “Aye”.

Mr. and Mrs. Phelps, the owners of lot 1838, submitted a second request for watering new sod at the house.  Nobody lives at the house, and they have been preparing it to be sold.  The amount of water used in September was 17,436 gallons.  So, a sewer credit was approved in the amount of $133.20.  Mr. Murphy made a motion to approve the sewer credit.  Mr. Hebenstreit seconded the motion, and all Trustees voted “Aye”.

A list of other credits was submitted to the District office, and the list was submitted to the Trustees for review.  Mr. Hebenstreit stated that since we are still making changes to the policy, the credit requests should be approved, as they have been in past years.  We must communicate to the community what the policy is, and what will not be approved.  After some discussion, it was stated that a policy will be decided on, and an ordinance will be in place, effective January 1, 2025.  The list of sewer credits that was submitted, was approved.  Mr. Hebenstreit made a motion to approve all of the credits on the list.  Mr. Murphy seconded the motion, and all Trustees voted “Aye”.

Continuing with the Open Forum, Ms. Julie Romano of lot 1065 presented a question regarding the Risk and Resilience Assessment, and the Emergency Response Plan, from a FOIA request she submitted.  The FOIA response from the District was a document certified by Joe Urban, and it shows the information being changed on 10/2/2024.  Ms. Romano asked why it was changed, if it is not due until 2026?  That question was answered by Ms. Phillips, that she understood, when Joe signed into the site to print the information, he updated the information, because there have been several staff changes.  The District was already current on the report, and the next report will still be due in 2026.  Ms. Romano then asked why Joe is certifying the RRA?  The report includes information about cyber security and financial infrastructure.  She is asking why an official of the District did not certify the RRA, instead of a water operator?  Ms. Phillips said that we do not have an immediate answer on that.  It will be addressed at the November meeting in Unfinished Business.  Mr. Hebenstreit also wants this added to the Action Items list.  Ms. Phillips also addressed a question being asked on a FOIA request.  She said that a FOIA is not for asking questions.  It is a request for documents.


The minutes of September 9, 2024 regular meeting were submitted for approval, with the Manager’s Report for Operations attached.  Mr. Hebenstreit asked about a statement that was made on page 3, under Unfinished Business.  It was written that “Ms. Phillips said there is exposure to any penalties for combining the two surveys”.  Mr. Hebenstreit asked if this was correct.  Ms. Lankster and Ms. Phillips stated that it is not correct.  Ms. Phillips indicated that it should be changed to say, “there is not any known exposure”.  Ms. Phillips then stated that it will be ok to make the correct statement to be changed on the minutes.  Then approve the minutes with the change.  Ms. Lankster stated the correction as “Ms. Phillips said there is not any known exposure to any penalties for combining the two surveys”.  Mr. Murphy made a motion to approve the minutes for the September 9, 2024 meeting, as modified.  Mr. Hayes seconded the motion and the two Trustees voted “Aye”.  Mr. Hebenstreit abstained since he was not in attendance for the September 9 meeting.


The Summary of Accounts and Statement of Revenues and Expenses were reviewed for the month-end balances on September, 2024.  No Motion necessary.


The September 2024 Accounts Payable disbursements were reviewed for approval.  Mr. Murphy made a motion to approve the September 2024 disbursements.  Mr. Hebenstreit seconded the motion and all Trustees voted “Aye”.

Unsell, Schattnik and Phillips submitted an invoice for legal fees from September 5, 2024 through October 3, 2024.  Mr. Murphy made a motion to approve the invoice for legal fees.  Mr. Hebenstreit seconded the motion, and all Trustees voted “Aye”.

There was one invoice submitted for Mr. Hayes to sign.  The invoice was from Itron Inc. for the annual maintenance on the hardware and software for meter reading.  The hardware is out of warranty, so the maintenance is now picked up by Itron.  The total invoice is in the amount of $5,217.61.

APPROVAL OF APPLICATIONS                                                                                                                                              Water/Sewer applications for September 2024 was submitted for approval.  Mr. Hayes made a motion to approve the applications for September 2024.  Mr. Murphy seconded the motion, and all Trustees voted “Aye”.


The water and sewer Pool/Leak credit policy has been updated.   The form must be filled out and submitted to the office prior to the meeting.  The changes were made after a discussion at the September 9, 2024 meeting.  A general rule, if it is approved, a major outside leak will receive the sewer credit and a 25% reduction on the water used, and this needs to be added to the policy for the November meeting.  Also add that the sewer credits will be given per single fill.  The bottom portion that lists circumstances that are not allowed, add that Multiple fills over multiple months will not be allowed.  Ms. Lankster asked Ms. Phillips if this should be written into an ordinance, and she responded that it should be, but wait until a final agreement is made on all of the changes.


There was a detailed discussion regarding the Consumer Confidence Report (CCR), for the calendar year 2023, which was published on the website in June 2024.  This is the most important report of the year, and Mr. Hebenstreit said the Trustees need to review and discuss the report. Mr. Hebenstreit asked about the violation that is listed on the CCR, on the last page.  Mr. Clarkson stated that it was a paperwork violation, because it was turned in 5 days late.  It was in response to the Lead and Copper exceedance from September, 2022.  The paperwork Certop was to turn in, was the proposed treatment, and we don’t change anything.

The discussion continued regarding the CCR report.  Mr. Hebenstreit went through the individual test results, and commented that over-all it was a good report.

Ms. Romano asked about the public notification of the CCR paperwork violation.  Mr. Clarkson said that Joe has not received a response from the IEPA.  Ms. Phillips stated for clarification, that Joe has contacted the IEPA about the paperwork violation, and has not received a response.

Ms. Romano had a question during the September meeting, if the Class A operator is contracted or an employee.  Mr. Clarkson stated that Mr. Joe Urban is now a Class A Operator for the District, and he is an employee.  He is not on the IEPA website as the Responsible Operator in Charge (ROINC), but the paperwork has been mailed to the IEPA to make this change.  Joe is on the IEPA website as the Class A operator for the District.

Ms. Romano also had a question at the September meeting concerning JULIE locates not being completed in a timely manner, by the HSSD employees.  Mr. Clarkson said we do 99% of them on time.  If something comes up that we can’t make it on time, we get a call that we need to mark it.  Ms. Lankster noted that if the Contractor shows up, and it is not marked, they call it in as not being marked.  Mr. Clarkson said we then have two hours to get it marked.  Ms. Lankster said it is on a different level, if a contractor files a complaint.

Another question from the September meeting was regarding the IEPA mandatory requirement for HSSD to have a Class 4 Wastewater operator for the lagoon paperwork.  Chris White was qualified for this, and he has been taking care of entering the data.

The fourth question being carried forward from September is regarding the OSHA inspection.  There were 4 serious citations on the report from OSHA, and Ms. Romano was asking if these have been corrected?  Mr. Clarkson stated the reasons for the citations and what has been done to correct them.

There is no current information regarding grant information.  It will be discussed with the Action Items.

Mr. Joe Urban has passed the Class A test, and he is now listed on the IEPA website as a Class A Operator for Holiday Shores Sanitary District.  Mr. Hebenstreit requested that Rob should be sure Joe shows up on the IEPA website as the ROINC.

Ms. Lankster stated that we now have the funds to pay off the Water Tower loan.  During the discussion for the Water Tower loan to be paid off, Mr. Murphy was concerned about paying off a low interest loan.  Mr. Hebenstreit said that he feels it would be best to pay it off and move the water tower revenue to the water plant loan.  You might save a little bit by earning interest if we do not pay it off, but the amount earned from interest was not worth carrying the loan, in his opinion.  A resolution will have to be written up.  After the discussion, Mr. Hebenstreit made a motion to approve the payoff of the Water Tower loan.  Mr. Murphy seconded the motion and all Trustees voted “Aye”.  A resolution will be presented at the November meeting, as well as an ordinance to move the revenue to Water Plant Debt Service.

There was a discussion of the Action Item list.  Several items were completed and have been discussed at the September meeting and at this meeting, and the items will be removed from the list. For #1, Since Mr. Urban passed the Class A test, this item will be changed to confirm that he is listed as the ROINC on the IEPA website.  Number 2 is being worked on, and will remain on the list.  Action item #3 is regarding grant opportunities, will remain on the list.  Mr. Hebenstreit wants a document written up showing the grants that have been applied for and the results.  Number 4 is for employee performance reviews and will be discussed in Executive Session.  Numbers 5 – 7 will be removed.  Number 8 regarding the pool and sewer credit policy, and is in the process of being updated, and will remain on the list.  Numbers 9 – 11 will be removed. Number 12 regarding ordinance electronic availability does not have any updates at this time.

There were four other action items for the AWWA conference.  The Cyber security assessment for vulnerability is tabled until June, after the new office software is in place.  Number 2 is regarding the lab testing for PFAS in the water will remain on the list.  Mr. Clarkson has sent in the samples and the results will be discussed during operations.  Number 3, regarding Disaster Management training from FEMA/DHS. Mr. Clarkson has contacted Madison County EMA, and HSSD is on the list for the training.  The fourth item is regarding some type of an odor eliminator for the main lift station.  Mr. Clarkson has received quotes, and the amounts will require a public bid, if it is pursued further.


A contract from Certop, Inc. was presented for approval.  A minimum of a Class 4 wastewater operator is required for the District.  The contract is for Chris Horstmann, a Class 1 wastewater operator, beginning in October, 2024.  The amount will be $425.00 per month, for two visits a month. If additional time is necessary, there will be an additional $85.00 per hour.  After reviewing the contract, Mr. Hebenstreit made a motion to approve the contract from Certop, Inc. for a Class 1 Wastewater Operator.  Mr. Murphy seconded the motion, and all Trustees voted “Aye”.  Contract was signed by Mr. Richard Hayes.

A quote was presented by Norman Rhea for RJI Sales.  It was an additional quote for the odor control at the main lift station located at the HSSD Office.  The proposal was for a product called an Odor Beast.  It is a strong ionizing system, and it was quoted for $34,800.00.  It is used in hospitals and schools, and one is being installed at the Decatur Sanitary District.  It was asked if we have complaints about the smell, and Ms. Lankster said we do.  It is something to consider, but due to the amount of the quotes that have been received, the District would need to go out for a public bid before making a decision, because it is not an emergency situation.  Mr. Hebenstreit was asking if this project could come out of reserves?  Mr. Clarkson noted that there could be some type of environmental grant.  This product would be for both reducing corrosion and eliminating the odor.  Ms. Phillips mentioned that after Covid, Granite City wasable to get some type of grant, to do some air cleaning.  It was some type of Federal Economic grant, and she could ask the Risk Manager of Granite City about it.  Ms. Phillips also addressed the reserves being used.  It is for the sewer system, and more customers continue to be added, therefore the sewer reserves could be used.

Ms. Lankster submitted a Health Plan comparison, prepared by Babcock and Associates.  The current BlueCross BlueShield plan is up for renewal December 1, 2024.  The renewal of the same plan will be at a 20% increase over last year.  There was a discussion of the coverages and higher quotes of the other options listed from BCBS and United Healthcare.  Mr. Muphy asked if the employees are satisfied with the current plan?  Mr. Clarkson said he has no issues with the current plan.  Mr. Murphy said we need to take care of our employees.  Mr. Hebenstreit said he agrees, however, most companies have the employees pay a portion of the insurance. If the cost goes up again next year, we need to have a discussion that the employees may pay a portion.  Mr. Murphy made a motion to approve Option #1, which is a renewal of the current plan.  Mr. Hebenstreit seconded the motion, and all Trustees voted “Aye”.

There were two different bids for a static mixer at the water plant, from Komax Systems.  They are a unique provider for our water plant, so no other bids are readily available.  This is just the cost of the part, so we need to hire a plumber to install it.  The higher bid includes an epoxy coating on internal wetted surfaces, and would be an additional $486.00.  It is stainless steel, so Mr. Clarkson feels the epoxy is not necessary, and could wear off over time.  The lower bid, in the amount of $10,490.00 was approved.  Mr. Hebenstreit made a motion to approve the Komax Systems bid in the amount of $10,490.00 for a static mixer without the epoxy coating.  Mr. Murphy seconded the motion, and all Trustees voted “Aye”.

There were three quotes presented for a 200-amp electric meter to be installed at one of the Deerfield lift stations.  The meter is mounted to a wooden post, and it is rotted off.  GRP Wegman quoted $12,850, but it included a lot of concrete for mounting.  A bid from Bickle electric was $3,000, but it was for a 100-amp meter.  Mr. Clarkson said the standard is 200-amp and we run two pumps out of that well.  The bid that was approved after a discussion was from Greco Electrical, in the amount of $3,200.  Mr. Hebenstreit made a motion to approve the quote from Greco Electrical, in the amount of $3,200.  Mr. Murphy seconded the motion, and all Trustees voted “Aye”.

The Moro lift station, at Moro Road and 159 needs a major repair, due to piping deterioration. There is recirculation of one of the two pumps, causing extended run times and it is spraying out when the lid is opened.  There are unknown factors, and the bid could go up. It will require the removal of one of the pumps to determine the extent of the damage.  Mr. Clarkson requested quotes from three vendors, but only received one back prior to the meeting.  The quote that was received was from Concept Plumbing, in the amount of $7,800.  If it is not an emergency, Ms. Phillips said it would be best to get three bids.  Mr. Clarkson said it is not an emergency now, but we want to have it completed as soon as possible.  If we attempt to get bids, and the company is not interested, get it in writing, so it is documented.  This is tabled until the November meeting, to allow for the other vendors to submit quotes.


Mr. Clarkson presented the Operations reports for September 2024.  He presented the lab results for the water samples for PFAS to the Trustees, for review.  The results show the levels are below the US EPA MCL or non-detectable.  Mr. Hebenstreit said he does not like to rely on a single data point and thinks we should sample quarterly for the next year, for multiple data points.  This was discussed, and it was agreed to take 3 additional samples, at 3-month intervals. The operations report is an attachment to the minutes.


Adjourn to executive session, pursuant to Statute 5ILCS 120/2 (C)(1), to discuss employee compensation and other personnel issues, and pursuant to Statute 5ILCS 120/2 (C)(11), to discuss possible litigation.  Mr. Hebenstreit made a motion to adjourn to Executive session.  Mr. Murphy seconded the motion and all Trustees voted “Aye”.


There was nothing discussed in executive session that required a vote for approval.


Mr. Murphy made a motion to adjourn the regular meeting.  Mr. Hebenstreit seconded the motion and all Trustees voted “Aye”.

Respectfully submitted, Carla Lankster, District Clerk

Operations Report September 2024


PFAS Samples submitted to TEK Lab. Results are in and look promising. See hand out

BACT/TOC sampling completed with passing results

Repairs to Water/Plant Equipment:

Static Mixer for Coagulant leaking. Found corrosion pin holes on bottom of mixer body.  Currently we have a Stainless-Steel mixer in place. We investigated a PVC model to possibly save some costs and increase life expectancy, not an option due to configuration. Vendor quoted 2 options that will meet our needs. First is exact replacement and second has an epoxy liner on inside. Quotes are $10,490.00 exact replacement, and $10,976.00 to have an epoxy liner added.

This is something we do not feel comfortable taking upon ourselves due to it affecting the entire plant operation.  Need approval to order mixer and then we will investigate mechanical companies to bid the installation. Lead time is 3-4 weeks.


Total call outs for month were 17. We changed out 12 grinder pumps in the month. Pump rebuilds are being conducted in house and externally to avoid getting behind.

We repaired 2 sewer leaks at or around grinder tanks, replaced 2 valves inside tanks, and all required excavations.

Lift station at 159 and Moro Rd has piping deterioration causing extended run times of pumps. Bids included in packets to repair.

Lift station at Deerfield Subdivision entrance has deteriorated electrical post. Bids are in packet to install new structure, replace meter to current code, and upgrade older 200-amp service box.

No word from EPA on fine or litigations dates for Lagoon.

Unfinished business

Cross connection survey on file at office

Service line material survey Submitted.

Sub surface instruments bid of $7995.00 for locating equipment approved order has been placed.